Grow your business
in plant-based protein
The transition into plant-based protein is one of the keys
to reducing humanity’s environmental impact. We believe
it should be easy to convert or expand into plant-based,
and we are with you throughout the process! JBT has
more than 30 years of experience, in processing meat
substitutes, the world’s largest database with application
tests, and a wide range of top-quality machinery that will
help you create a more competitive product and a
production line performing to the optimum level.
Make the most out of your plant-based protein offering
We are with you down the line
JBT is a leading global full-solution provider within food processing, offering a broad portfolio of products, such as freezers, chillers, fryers, cookers and ovens. We can help you create a profitable plant-based protein product manufactured in a high-performing production line. Whether you need stand-alone food processing equipment or integrated in-line systems, we can provide customized solutions at every stage. Our equipment is designed to enhance the operational performance of your production line. With easy operation and cleaning, the flexibility to run any application (regardless of where the protein originates from), and minimal footprint, we can help you achieve quicker turnarounds, higher capacity and increased yield.
Our brand Frigoscandia is the world-leading pioneer in freezing. For more than 60 years, Frigoscandia has made it possible to freeze almost any product with excellent results in terms of appearance, texture and taste. In addition, this innovative technology reduces food waste, improves hygiene and prolongs the shelf-life of any plant-based product. Frigoscandia’s freezers are equipped with advanced air defrost systems and low volume systems that help you run a safer and more efficient freezing line, while reducing your energy spend and minimizing frost-related downtime.
Monitor your production line in real-time with JBT iOPS®, our cloud-based performance optimization platform. iOPS® gathers and analyses data from your equipment and process, to detect potential issues before they turn into real problems. The system informs you when action is required, to maximize uptime, productivity and profit. Effortlessly.

Create a competitive plant-based product

Creating a high-performing food processing line for plant-based products