JBT and Marel: United to transform the future of food

Grow your business
with JBT

Looking for a reliable and committed full-service partner within plant-based protein processing? We are on a mission to help our customers produce great food with a low carbon footprint, and we are eager to provide you with vast knowledge and high-quality machinery, to help you create an even better, safer and more competitive plant-based product.

All about plant-based protein

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Grow your business
in plant-based protein

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Succeed with your transition into plant-based protein

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Create a competitive plant-based product

Creating a high performing food processing line for plant based products

Creating a high-performing food processing line for plant-based products

Our Plant-based Protein processing solutions

Need help developing your product?

With the world’s largest database with application tests and more than 30 years of experience in processing plant-based protein, we know how to make the most out of your product in terms of taste, yield and consistency. The food experts at our Food Technology Centers help you develop your ideas or enhance existing ones. The tests can be conducted on our testing site in person or via live video link or as on-site demonstrations with our mobile lab equipment in your facility.


Guide: The optimal plant-based food processing line

JBT Product Portfolio – EMEA

5-step-guide: How to succeed with your plant-based product

JBT Frigoscandia GYRoCOMPACT® 70 Spiral Freezer

JBT Double D Revoband Continuous Protein Oven


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