The OCS-1 Overhead Turkey Cut-Up System, contains several machines that work together. The HM-1 Halver and BSC-1 Back Skin Cutter, halve turkeys and separate the front half from the back half, and send the front half to the ILBD-3T In-Line Breast Deboner. The BHP-1 Back Half Processor removes legs from spine, leaving the legs in the shackle. The LS-1 Leg Splitter Module then separates thighs from drums, dropping the thigh to a conveyor. Finally, legs are removed from the shackle with the Leg Unloader.The system is designed to pair with the ILBD-3T In-Line Breast Deboner for a fully automated cut-up solution for turkey.No other company designs, builds and delivers more equipment to the Turkey Processing Industry than Prime Equipment Group.
Features & Benefits
- A completely automated halving and cut-up solution
- Separates front half from back half
- Drops front half for transfer to ILBD-3T In-Line Breast Deboner for Turkey
- Scores and removes spine from back half
- Separates drum from thigh
- Drops drum and thigh to conveyance
- Requires no workers for maximum ROI
- Simple design for simple M&R and ease of ownership
- Space-saving design for ceiling or floor mount