JBT Citrus Systems is the world leader in the citrus juice extraction market and processes 75% of the world’s juice production in over 35 different countries.The JBT Citrus Juice Extractor was designated an International Historic Mechanical Engineering Landmark by the American Society of Mechanical EngineersThe whole fruit extraction principle of instantaneous separation is the major reason for the outstanding juice quality delivered by the JBT Citrus Extractor.The unique features of the JBT extractor allow for the separation of the juice from those constituents which, if allowed to remain in contact with the juice for any period of time, would have an adverse effect on the end product.
Features & Benefits
- Model 191
- Designed for processing higher volumes of small fruit in the same footprint of the model 291/391
- Total of eight cups measuring 60 mm in diameter operating at 100 rotations/minute
- Processes 800 pieces of fruits per minute
- Versatility: oranges, mandarins, tangerines, key limes, Persian limes and lemons
- Model 291/391
- Processes up to 560 pieces of fruits per minute
- Flexible design handles a wide range of fruit sizes
- Versatility: oranges, smaller grapefruits, mandarins, tangerines and lemons
- Total of five cups from 3″ to 4″ in diameter operating at up to 112 rotations/minute
- Model 491
- Processes up to 225 pieces of fruits per minute
- Flexible design allows it to also operate with smaller cups to extract oranges or smaller grapefruit
- Possesses a total of three cups measuring 5″ (127 mm) and operates at up to 75 rotations per minute
- Model 593
- Best-in-class in citrus extractors
- This robust extractor is specially designed for high-volume processing facilities
- Statistically significant yield increases over other extractor models leads to increased profitability
- Feed efficiency and yield improvement lead to increased overall productivity
- Throughput up to 600 fruit/minute while using the same footprint as the Model 291/391
- Model 191
- Processes fruits ranging from 25 mm (1″) to a maximum of 60 mm (2-2/3″) fruit diameter
- Model 291/391
- The 3″ cups are designed to handle fruits ranging from 1¾″ (44 mm) to 3¼″ (83 mm) diameter
- The 4″ cups are designed to handle fruits ranging from 3¼″ (83 mm) to 4¼″ (108 mm) diameter
- Model 491
- This model was designed for larger fruits: for instance, large grapefruit, in sizes from 4-1/4″ (108 mm) to 5-1/2″ (140 mm) in diameter, are the ideal sizes for the Model 491 extractor
- Model 593
- Specially designed 3″ and 4″ juicing components, for both concentrate and NFC production, can be installed on this model
- Improves productivity, yield, and quality by building upon the features of the outstanding Model 291/391 series
Options & Models
- Model 191
- Model 291/391
- Model 491
- Model 593