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Results: 5731 - 5740 of 5741

Summer Food Safety Tips

Picnics, Barbecues and Clambakes…some of our favorite things about summer. But these summer treats come with some food safety risks as well. Hot temperatures, coolers […]

HPP Pet Food The Latest Catnip For Pet Owners

Just as many people are paying closer attention to what we put on the dinner table, the quality of what pet owners put in the […]

Tasty Science in the HPP Test Kitchen

We’re always cooking up something delicious in the Avure test kitchen –Guacamole? Yes. Salsa and hummus? Of course. And fruit juices and smoothies, deli meats, […]

Keeping Up with Trends in the Marketplace

Open up a menu in a trendy restaurant or stroll down the aisle of your local grocery, and you’ll find terms like “minimally processed,” “sustainably […]

Consumers Turning to Healthier Choices

It’s no secret that consumers are seeking out healthier options when it comes to their grocery lists. And while taste and price are the top […]

Making Sure Your Package is HPP-Ready

You’ve got a great product. And you want to add shelf life without adding preservatives or affecting the taste or nutritional value. High pressure processing […]

Join Us at the 2017 HPP Summit

Everything you always wanted to know about high pressure processing (HPP) will be on display in Atlanta, Georgia, October 2-4, as Universal Pasteurization presents the […]

Organic Food Sales Boom

The organic food industry is surging. Continued growth is forecasted for the sector and if you needed further proof that the market for organics is […]

Incubator Kitchens Help Entrepreneurs with Secret Recipes

We’ve all heard the stories of the pasta sauce business that started out in someone’s kitchen with their Sicilian great-grandmother’s secret recipe. Maybe there would […]

How the Army Enlisted HPP

 An army travels on its stomach. That old saying, true since the time of the Roman legion, remains true today. And the food industry has […]